Gawler Place upgrade

The Gawler Place upgrade has been completed, creating a people focused street connecting to Adelaide's premier shopping destination.

Wider footpaths and new road surfaces create a low-speed shared use environment for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians. Improved lighting, an innovative shade structure in Gawler Place north, and large trees and understorey plants ensure Gawler Place is an attractive, cool, shady and inviting place.

New dining areas and paving have transformed Gawler Place into an attractive destination that invites outdoor dining.

Public Art has been included in the upgrade to help transform the street into a space that draws people in to stop, to connect, and to discover. Three innovative, bold and colourful art experiences are included as meeting points, to tell stories, to surprise, to delight and to inspire. Shown above is Flow, (installation view), by Laura Wills and Will Cheesman in collaboration with Exhibition Studios, created in 2019 of stainless steel. It was commissioned by the City of Adelaide as part of the Gawler Place Upgrade. Read the full media release.

Project information

Gawler Place is one of the busiest streets in Adelaide and connects city workers, students, visitors, tourists, delivery and private vehicles and taxis to Rundle Mall, North Terrace, ANZAC Memorial Walk on Kintore Avenue, the Riverbank, car parks and public transport.

With around 25,000 people moving between Grenfell Street and North Terrace every day, the City of Adelaide has upgraded Gawler Place.

This commitment recognises the important role Gawler Place plays as a link to the heart of the Rundle Mall Precinct and ensures that it remains a destination where people shop, visit and spend time.

Now complete, Gawler Place is a vibrant, green and people-focused street and provides a high-quality retail experience.

It features new footpath and road surfaces, lighting, seating and spaces for socialising. Green elements such as trees, understory planting and climbers to ensure Gawler Place is an attractive and inviting place to be.

Artist impression plans

YourSay (Community engagement)

Community and stakeholder engagement was conducted on the Gawler Place Upgrade Concept Designs in May and June 2017. 

Council worked closely with Gawler Place traders, businesses, building owners and stakeholders and the wider community as the upgrade is constructed.

Need more information?

If you have any questions about the Gawler Place Upgrade Project please contact the City of Adelaide's Gawler Place team: