Melbourne Street Improvement Works

Project status – Planned

Work is expected to start in early April 2024.

Why are we doing this?

The City of Adelaide has received a $1m grant from the Government of South Australia to undertake main street improvement works and public realm and placemaking upgrades to revitalise Melbourne Street.

This work will be done before the wider implementation of Council’s Main Street Revitalisation master plan for Melbourne Street.

What are we doing?

Key elements of the improvement works include:

  • Temporary footpath extensions and installation of temporary parklets to provide opportunities for street activation and outdoor dining areas.
  • Replacing planter boxes and removing some to improve accessibility and amenity. - The works will aim to improve the consistency of planter boxes along the street. At present there are several different types and sizes of planter boxes in use. This detracts from the street’s visual amenity and gives a sense of clutter and lack of coordination. The works will incorporate both replacing the planter boxes with Council’s new style planter boxes and new vegetation. In some instances, existing planter boxes will be removed to de-clutter the pavement and improve the overall accessibility and amenity of the area.
  • Relocating existing and installing new street furniture such as seats, litter bins and bike racks.
  • Exploring decorative lighting and hanging baskets opportunities.
  • Installing signage to Dunn St Car Park.

When are we doing it?

Temporary footpath extensions were installed in the area near the Lord Melbourne Hotel in February 2023.

Planter box and street furniture rationalisation works are expected to commence in April 2024.

Timing of the other works is to be confirmed.

Previous consultation

Learn more about consultation for this project on the Our Adelaide website.

Need more information?

Contact project manager Ciarán Carty for enquiries: