Heritage Strategy

Our vision:

To enable the full economic, tourism, cultural, community and sustainability potential of our built and cultural heritage to be realised.

Heritage: Our Future — Heritage Strategy 2021 – 2036 and Action Plan

Adelaide was built on a unique town planning framework which is still evident in the layout of the city and its encircling Park Lands. The city’s intimate scale, abundant parks and squares, formal layout and high proportion of heritage buildings define its unique visual character. Kaurna and European heritage are still readable in the landscape.

The City of Adelaide has protected, preserved and promoted our heritage for more than 30 years. Council is unequivocal in its support for built heritage as a key part of a prosperous, liveable and culturally rich city. The Heritage Strategy 2021 – 2036 and 3 year Action Plan guides our long term heritage management for the City.

The Strategy builds on our past strengths such as Heritage Incentives funding, our heritage promotions program and heritage advocacy roles.

Our outcomes and objectives

Outcome 1: Our City's heritage is effectively protected

A heritage system that enables equitable, streamlined and transparent processes for heritage listing and protection.

Our objectives

  • Strengthen the heritage protection system
  • Protect vulnerable places
  • Advance World Heritage Listing bid for the Park Lands and City Layout
  • Propose places for heritage listing

Outcome 2: Heritage is valued by our people and our communities

Our heritage places are well preserved and utilised, and appreciated for their strong contribution to Adelaide’s vibrancy and culture.

Our objectives

  • Encourage best practice conservation
  • Ensure appropriate development
  • Unlock the economic potential of heritage places
  • Create vibrant precincts
  • Lead by example
  • Encourage conservation skills development

Outcome 3: Our City is renowned for its heritage

We will share our stories with visitors and engage with cultural, business, residential and educational communities about our City’s heritage.

Our objectives

  • Celebrate our built and cultural heritage
  • Continue to develop our heritage conservation
  • Build heritage knowledge

Community consultation

We consulted extensively with the community in the development of the strategy, both targeted stakeholders and the wider community. Key points which we have taken on board in our strategy and actions address:

  • Widespread concerns about inadequate heritage protection provisions and the loss of Adelaide’s unique character through high rise development and unsympathetic new development in proximity to heritage places.
  • The importance of storytelling to engage visitors and of applying a historically inclusive lens to heritage narratives.
  • The economic, community and cultural benefits of creating vibrant heritage precincts, such as main streets, laneways or clusters of historic buildings.
  • The importance of engaging with the community in recognising, protecting and interpreting our built and cultural heritage.

For more information, visit the Community Consultation website.