Sport & Fitness Connect

Information for fitness professionals about the Sport and Fitness Connect program.

The City of Adelaide program Sport and Fitness Connect is a free support service and a source of valuable information.

Designed for sporting, recreation and fitness clubs, not-for-profit organisations delivering sport or physical activity programs, and professionals such as personal trainers; the network is one-stop shop giving you access to:

  • funding opportunities
  • professional development opportunities
  • program and facility updates
  • best practice ideas.


There are a variety of grants available to eligible sporting and fitness organisations, clubs and individuals.

Eligibility criteria vary, and applications may only be open at certain times of the year, so we suggest you read all criteria carefully before applying.

City of Adelaide funding

The City of Adelaide offers a series of Recreation and Sports Grants that provides a total of $175,000 in funding support annually. There are four funding categories: community facilities, programs, events and quick response. Grants available for these categories range from $2,000 to $70,000.

Find out more about the City of Adelaide Recreation & Sport Grants Program.

State Government funding

The South Australian state government, through the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing, also provide funding opportunities. They have eight different program types including grassroots, facilities, individual athletes and sustainability.

Find out more and apply for an Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing grant.

Sport Australia Grants

Sport Australia provides funding opportunities for six different program types including ageing, infrastructure, schools and women in sport.

Find out more and apply for a Sport Australia grant.

Quick tip: If you are planning a facility-based project on Council land, you will be required to provide a Council Support Form and Landowner Consent Form as a part of your application. Depending on the proposal, it can take up to eight weeks for Council to provide these forms, so please factor this in when considering an application.

Professional development programs

Just like sporting ability, you need to continually work on your professional skills so your club, organisation or business can be successful and grow.

The City of Adelaide offers a variety of courses throughout the year designed to help your club or organisation to grow capacity, and for individuals to grow their sport and fitness business.

Events book out quickly, so check here regularly for announcements and reserve your place.

The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing also offer a range of development courses for those involved in sport and recreation. Check their calendar of events.

Facilities and infrastructure

The City of Adelaide manages sport and recreation facilities and infrastructure throughout the Adelaide Park Lands. These facilities may be leased/licenced to eligible clubs, organisations or individuals.

When lease/licences become available, they will be listed in the Community Consultation area. If you are interested in leasing certain facilities or infrastructure, you can then lodge an expression of interest.

You can also provide feedback on any community consultation City of Adelaide projects relating to developments in the Adelaide Park Lands.

As a personal/fitness trainer, you will need to obtain a permit before conducting training in the Adelaide Park Lands or city squares. Find out more information and apply on the Park Lands fitness activity permit page.