Expression of Interest: Park Lands Community Facilities

Project Information

The Adelaide Park Lands are a highly valued community asset. When the existing licences on community sporting facilities in the Park Lands expire, in the interests of fairness and opportunity, such facilities are made available to other community groups who may wish to utilise them. This is carried out through an open expressions of interest (EOI) process.

Who are we looking for?

The City of Adelaide is seeking EOIs from community sporting organisations (including educational institutions) that can demonstrate an ability to partner with Council to deliver on the outcomes sought for the city, including increased access to and use of the Park Lands.

Who can apply?

  • Organisations or groups that are legally constituted as an incorporated association.
  • Not for profit companies limited by guarantee.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations (under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2006)
  • Educational Institutions

This EOI closes 5:00 pm Friday 14 June 2024

Current leases for renewal

These are:

  • Carriageway Park/Tuthangga (Park 17) – Sports Fields + club rooms
  • Blue Gum Park/Kurangga (Park 20) – Sports Fields, courts, club rooms + storage facilities

This EOI has been triggered by the expiration of the current leasing arrangements of these facilities and it is a requirement of the Adelaide Park Lands Leasing and Licencing Policy that an EOI process be undertaken before the consideration of any new tenure (including the renewal of a lease or licence) in the Park Lands. 

Download a copy of this policy

EOI Indicative Timelines

EOI Opens25 May 2024
EOI Closes14 June 2024
Review Submissions19 June 2024
Report to Kadaltilla/Adelaide Park Lands Authority (APLA)25 July 2024
Report to City Community Service and Cultural Committee (CCSCC)6 August 2024
Council Meeting13 August 2024
Notify applicants of Council decision14 August 2024
Lease Negotiated and Executed1 September 2024

The City of Adelaide is the custodian of the Adelaide Park Lands, and to activate relevant areas, looks to partner with community sporting organisations and educational institutions through the licensing of sporting fields and leasing of buildings.

Under the relevant chapters of the Community Land Management Plan, the sporting fields will operate under a licence arrangement which provides the licensee with first right of use (as nominated and approved). During the times where the sporting fields are not being used by the licensee or subsequent sub-lessees, they are then available to the public. Sports buildings operate under a lease arrangement giving lessees sole occupancy for co-operative use and sub-letting consistent with the permitted uses.

It is proposed that, as a minimum, the responsibility of holding a lease/licence agreement with the City of Adelaide for buildings and sports fields in the Park Lands is that the lessee:

  • Uses the leased and licenced area in accordance with the approved Permitted Use (being community sport related)
  • Pay all rent and licence fees as per the Adelaide Park Lands Leasing and Licencing
  • Policy and Council’s annually endorsed Fees and Charges schedule
  • Pays all costs associated with the use of the building and licensed area (i.e. telephone, electricity, gas, oil, water, and any other services/utilities)
  • Maintains and repairs any buildings, fixtures, fittings, or structures erected, fixed, or placed in, on or under the Lease and Licence Area in good and safe repair and condition, such as:
    • drains, pipes, fencing, goal posts, person holes, reticulation equipment, all electrical equipment (including floodlights); and similar services.
    • in cases where playing surfaces form the whole or part of the Licence Area, perimeter fencing, net posts and perimeter access gates, sports lights, irrigation etc.
  • Will hold appropriate insurance policies (i.e. Public Liability, Building and Infrastructure insurance)
  • Acknowledges that the building and licenced area may not be available for use and occupation during public or special events held in the Park Lands
  • Acknowledges that the licensed area will be used by the broader community when not in use by the lessee for informal recreation and sport activities.
  • Encourage multipurpose usage of facilities where appropriate through sub-letting and casual hire arrangements

Community Benefit (40%)

  • The application is for community level sport.
  • The proposed use will benefit more than one user group.
  • There is significant demand for the sport(s).
  • Number of participants per session.
  • Whilst not exclusive, the application caters for 
    • city residents or
    • people from underrepresented groups (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, women/girls, people on low incomes, newly arrived migrants and refugees, international students and people with a disabilities).

Activation (40%)

  • The application results in the facilities being used frequently i.e. can demonstrate year-round use by the applicant and its sub-lessees.
  • The activities complement the existing facilities and maximises usage relative to the sports field carrying capacity (and potential capacity).
  • The application caters for a wide variety of participants (e.g. by age, gender, cultural background, ability) and types of activities.
  • The application does not adversely impact on residents or other users of the park.

Management/Governance/Risk (20%)

  • The applicant is financially reliable and has no outstanding debt or grant acquittals with Council or have an unresolved breach of an existing lease or licence agreement with the City of Adelaide or another council.
  • The applicant is affiliated with a peak or governing body.
  • The applicant can demonstrate experience in managing facilities and has a sound governance/management model.


  • EOI applications must be submitted by the due date. We will not accept late applications.
  • After the closing date, all EOI applications will be acknowledged in writing via email.
  • A review panel will assess your application against the assessment criteria you provided on the EOI Form.
  • Information provided in your application will be made publicly available through Council’s agendas and minutes.
  • Given the competitive nature of this EOI process, staff are unable to offer personalised advice or information to applicants as doing so could potentially provide an unfair advantage to certain applicants over others.
  • Council reserves the right to not select any proponent and may choose to conduct a new EOI process.

Lease terms

  • Leases up to five years will be offered in accordance with the City of Adelaide's Adelaide Park Lands Leasing and Licensing Policy.
  • All EOI applicants should assume responsibility for all repairs and maintenance for all infrastructure associated with the areas applied for (including buildings, irrigation, lighting etc – where applicable) and accept the condition of the facilities as they are.
  • A provision of 30 days from the “negotiation and execution date” will be given to the successful applicant to sign the new lease/licence before Council begins negotiations with other applicants.

What do we need to apply?

You must provide:

  •  A completed EOI application form in hard copy or online that:
    • includes details of your organisation, and
    • addresses each section of the assessment criteria.
  • Evidence of current public liability insurance to the value of $20 million.

Please go through the below documents carefully before applying.


How do we submit our EOI?



Written submissions can be dropped off at the Customer Centre at 25 Pirie Street or posted:

Att: Jamie Stefanato

Expression of Interest

[Insert here the facility you are applying for]

GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001

All EOIs must be received by 5:00 pm Friday 14 June 2024

Need more information?

For enquiries, please contact our Community Facilities Coordinator – Community Lifestyle, Jamie Stefanato: