Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS) - Towards 2036

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The Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority (Kadaltilla) has undertaken a review of the existing Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy 2015-2025 (APLMS) with a bold vision for the overall enhancement and protection of the Adelaide Park Lands.

The APLMS is a joint State Government and Council owned document, which is prepared and maintained on their behalf by Kadaltilla.

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Draft APLMS "Towards 2036"

The draft APLMS sets out a long-term vision for our city’s open space and guides us in ways to protect and manage them through the next decade.

The following fact sheets have been created as a quick reference guide on how the draft APLMS "Towards 2036" addresses each of the below major themes:

NEW! APLMS Goes Digital

An interactive PDF of the draft APLMS has been produced with digital mapping to provide an interactive user experience.

Click the leaf on pages 63 and 145 to see the digital maps.

Timeline and key dates

17 June 2024

Consultation opens

3 July 2024 – Wednesday – 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Visit us at Rundle Mall to give your feedback. Free coffee and plant giveaways!

25 July 2024 – Thursday – 4:30 pm
Public Hearing – Kadaltilla Board Meeting

9 August 2024

Consultation closes

How to participate

  1. Read through the above fact sheets - download the full Draft APLMS if you need more information
  2. For even more information, refer to our additional resources below
  3. Complete online survey


  1. Download and go through our full engagement pack
  2. Complete the included survey and return by email, post, or in person

Contact us - if you have questions or need help with your submission

Where we're at

In 2022 and 2023 a comprehensive review commenced with over 2,500 stakeholder and community participants providing input. Find out more about the engagement process and outcomes in the What We Heard and Engagement Report. We gained insights into how the community values and uses the Park Lands and the opportunities they see and future visions.

As a result of the comprehensive review, key changes introduced include:

  1. Stronger alignment with the Act to meet statutory requirements, including:
    1. Inclusion of Principles from the Act
    2. A ‘Return to Park Lands’ section that identifies opportunities for State Government managed land to be transferred to City of Adelaide and key terminology regarding Park Lands uses
    3. Inclusion of land tenure schedule.
  2. Recognition of key achievements and integration of contemporary focus areas into the APLMS.
  3. Consolidation of actions as identified through stakeholder consultation into principle-based descriptions that guide decisions and activities within the Adelaide Park Lands by City of Adelaide, State Government and landowners.
  4. Updated major projects to be costed for implementation.
  5. Alignment with strategic documents including:
    1. Greater Adelaide Regional Plan
    2. Metropolitan Open Space System
    3. City of Adelaide City Plan (in development)
    4. Kadaltilla Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028
    5. City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2024-2028
    6. City of Adelaide Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) for the Adelaide Park Lands
  6. Consideration of governance, funding and investment pathways for the Adelaide Park Lands

The Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority (Kadaltilla)

The Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority (Kadaltilla) is the principal advisory body to both the City of Adelaide and the State Government on the protection, management, enhancement, and promotion of the Adelaide Park Lands.

Kadaltilla is skills based including expertise across biodiversity/environment, recreation/open space, cultural heritage, landscape design/ park management, tourism/ events, indigenous culture/ reconciliation, financial and local government.

Kadaltilla comprises a Presiding Member (the Lord Mayor), and four other members appointed by Council and five members appointed by the Minister for Planning.

The development and review of the Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy is one of Kadaltilla's key responsibilities under Section 18 of the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005 (the Act).

Frequently asked questions

The Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy 2015 -2025 (APLMS) provides a framework for the important and ongoing advisory role of the Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority (Kadaltilla) on Park Lands policy and projects. Kadaltilla is committed to the protection and enhancement of the Park Lands as a globally recognised park system which surrounds and permeates the city, and which are central to its identity.

The APLMS also guides the decision making and funding contributions of both the City of Adelaide and the State Government.

The Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS) is an aspirational document which identifies what Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority, Council and the State Government are trying to achieve at a strategic level.

The Community Land Management Plan (CLMP) identifies how the land will be used and managed.

These two documents must work together such that the CLMP must be consistent with the APLMS.

The Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005 requires that Kadaltilla undertake a comprehensive review of the Management Strategy at least once every 5 years.

Engagement To-Date

In early 2022, a comprehensive review of the APLMS was commenced in line with the Act. The purpose of Phase 1 was to test the vision, outcomes and priorities contained in the APLMS 2005-2015 and explore new ideas and opinions to inform the review.

Phase 1 engaged with 18 stakeholder groups representing three distinct communities categorised by their level of interest, impact, and knowledge.

Methods of engagement were tailored to each stakeholder group, including workshops, Kadaltilla Board meetings, online surveys (Your Say Adelaide), advisory/reference groups and public forums. This strategic and comprehensive approach successfully captured community feedback across three levels of involvement (consultation, involvement, and collaboration) relevant to the knowledge base, areas of interest and technical capacity of each group.

Phase 1 included feedback from over 2,500 community engagement participants over a nine-month consultation window, including:

  • 246 people participated in person
  • 438 responses received in person
  • over 2,500 individual responses received via post, email, social media or Your Say.

Engagement gained insight into how communities value and use the Park Lands and actively sought input about issues and opportunities with the current APLMS and future visions for the Park Lands.

Consultation Themes and Investigation Areas reflect the analysis of a thorough consultation phase that represents a wide variety of stakeholders. Feedback indicated that the vision, outcomes, and priorities of the APLMS remain relevant, appropriate and important. The analysis also revealed key areas to focus on in future investigations.

Phase 2 of the APLMS strengthened the representation of under-represented stakeholders and groups and engaged with seven main stakeholder groups. The draft APLMS was further informed by Phase 2 where the opportunity was also taken to test and shape early project ideas and respond to, and build upon, an overarching vision for the APLMS.

You can complete the short survey on this page.

You may also like to share your feedback by attending the public hearing at the Kadaltilla Board meeting on 25 July 2024, 4:30 pm. Remember to request to appear as a deputation at the meeting in advance if you intend on doing this.

All feedback, including survey responses, submissions and other correspondence will be acknowledged in writing via email.

The Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority (Kadaltilla) will consider all of the feedback it receives as part of the current engagement. The information gathered via the survey and drop-in sessions will inform the development of a revised draft APLMS.

In accordance with section 18(4) of the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005, in order to vary the APLMS, Kadaltilla must prepare a draft of the proposal and then refer the proposal to the Minister for Planning, the City of Adelaide, and any State authority or adjoining council that has a direct interest in the proposal, which is the purpose of this engagement.

As the variations made to the draft APLMS are not considered of minor significance, public consultation is anticipated to be undertaken from April 2024 as per section 18(5) of the Act with any interested persons invited to make written submissions to Kadaltilla and attend a public meeting to be held in relation to the proposal.

In accordance with sections 18(6)-(8) of the Act, following consultation Kadaltilla will amend the draft APLMS and furnish copies of the report to the Minister for Planning and the City of Adelaide for them to confer on the APLMS and either adopt the proposal with or without amendment, or refer the proposal back to the Kadaltilla for further consideration.

In the event the APLMS is adopted, the requirements of sections 18(9)-(10) of the Act will then be progressed, which include the Minister within six sitting days after the APLMS is adopted, causing copies of the APLMS to be laid before both Houses of Parliament, and the City of Adelaide and the Minister ensuring copies of the revised APLMS are kept available for public inspection.

Based on the above, it will be recommended that the APLMS be varied by the substitution of a new APLMS, in accordance with section 18(12) of the Act, and Kadaltilla will undertake a comprehensive review of the APLMS at least once every 5 years, in accordance with section 18(14) of the Act.


Our invitation to help shape the future of the Adelaide Park Lands resulted in a strong response from the community and stakeholder groups. This valuable feedback is helping to identify key issues and opportunities that will inform the priorities and projects for inclusion in the revised APLMS.

Among the feedback were the following messages about the future of the Adelaide Park Lands:

  • Enhance connections, access and movement.
  • More and higher quality social infrastructure.
  • Create a better path network.
  • More native flora and fauna.
  • Create more attractions / destinations.
  • Make better use of smart technology.
  • Recognise and celebrate Kaurna culture and heritage.
  • Inclusive sporting facilities.
  • Cater for diversity / multi-cultural / all access.
  • Adapt to climate change.

A comprehensive summary of the engagement results is provided in the APLMS Engagement Report and Progress Report.

    The initial engagement phase has now concluded. Thank you for all your valuable comments and emails regarding this project!

    Project Information

    Kadaltilla is the principal advisor to Adelaide City Council and the State Government on the protection, management, enhancement and promotion of the Adelaide Park Lands.

    The Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS) identifies the actions, projects and ‘big moves’ that set the future direction of the Park Lands. The management of the APLMS is one of Kadaltilla's key responsibilities under the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005. The review of the APLMS is now underway.

    How you can Participate

    Community feedback is being sought at the following key stages:

    • July - August 2022: Initial engagement with the community and key stakeholder groups to help Kadaltilla determine the focus of the revised Strategy.
    • 20 August 2022: Kadaltilla Community Forum at the Adelaide Zoo, Plane Tree Centre (10:00 am - 3:00 pm). 
    • February - April 2023 (TBC): Consultation on the draft revised APLMS.

    If you'd like to be kept up to date with community and stakeholder engagement activities in relation to the review of the APLMS, please provide your details under 'Stay Informed'.

    How can I provide my feedback?

    There are several ways in which you can provide feedback:

    In Person

    3 July 2024 – Wednesday – 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

    Visit us at Rundle Mall to give your feedback. Free coffee and plant giveaways!

    Public Hearing Kadaltilla Board Meeting

    25 July 2024 – Thursday – 4:30 pm

    Note: To speak to the Kadaltilla Board, you must request to appear as a deputation at the meeting.

    Contribute your feedback by completing our short survey.


    Your comments to: [email protected]

    Call us on: (08) 8203 7974

    Written Submissions

    All written submissions should be addressed to:

    APLMS Consultation, Park Lands, Policy & Sustainability
    GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001


    Delivered to the City of Adelaide Customer Centre:
    25 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000


    Take the survey

    All submissions will be provided to Council and may be publicly available

    (without any identifying information of respondents).

    What happens next?

    We will acknowledge your feedback either by email or in writing.

    Thank you for your interest in the future of the Adelaide Park Lands!

    Need more information? 

    Contact Kadaltilla / Adelaide Park Lands Authority Advisor, Alison Ackland
