Three ways to keep fit in the Park Lands

Make the most of the free work out equipment and courts in the fresh air to keep your fitness on track!

Fitness Trails & Running Loops

With great tracks and trails all over the city's Park Lands, no matter what your level of fitness is, there will be a trail to suit you whether you’re a runner, walker or cyclist. Our trails and running loops are planned out for you, all you need to do is stretch out those legs and get going.

To get started try out the 1km University footbridge loop below.


Prefer to take your fitness to the courts? With tennis courts, basketball courts and netball courts dotted throughout the city, you can! Go alone or grab your friends and pick up the heat!

Did you know, there are three locations in the Park Lands where free basketball and tennis courts are under lights so you can play even when it gets dark. They are located at Park 27b, Park 2 and Park 19.

Fitness Stations

Why pay for a gym membership when you can use the free fitness stations in the Park Lands and work out surrounded by nature?! Fire up those muscles and get into shape at the stations that are located predominately in Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi and Bullrush Park / Warnpangga.

Did you know, when we exercise feel-good chemicals serotonin and dopamine are released which can improve our mood.