Breaking into the cycle

Starting a new routine can change your life for the better but actually choosing a new routine can be half the battle. Keep it simple and just start cycling! Here’s why riding a bike will save you more than just time and money.

More good days

People who cycle, experience better mental health than those that don’t. How much better? About 6 days of better mental health per month! The same study that found these results also confirms that cycling has profoundly positive effects on our physical health.

Save money

Cycling in Adelaide can save you shelling out $260 a month on buses or parking. If you’re catching public transport every weekday that will add up to $150.80 (with standard metro card in peak times). If you’re driving each weekday and paying for a full day of parking, it can cost $260 (with $13 standard earlybird) or $160 with UPark Plus in June 2020. 

Enough time

Save yourself hours of sitting in traffic by zooming through on your bike. Distance from your destination is of course a factor, but the time it takes to ride instead in peak hour may surprise you.

A commute from Regency Road to the city centre by bike will take 23 minutes, by bus or car it will take 30 minutes. That will save you up to 2 hours and 20 minutes over a month.

A commute from Portrush Road to the city centre by bike will take 15 minutes, by bus or car it will take 20 to 30 minutes. That will save you up to 7 hours over a month.

That's way more time for snoozing in the morning and spending time on you and your family at night.

More mates

Bike riders are a lovely bunch and you’re not required to wear lycra to be let into the community. There are thousands of cycling trips to the city each month. The bikeway on Frome Road has a counter that clocked a massive 219K riders in 2019. Start riding and you’ll be surprised how many friendly chats you’ll have with riders along your route.

Explore Adelaide

Adelaide is filled with street art murals, beautiful green archways and tucked-away cafes that can only be uncovered if you ride. Exactly where? That’s for you to find out! Our hot tip is to take some time cycling through the Adelaide Park Lands and the city’s west end.