Melbourne Street Festoon Lighting Project

Light up your outdoor dining area with up to 100 per cent funding (up to $7,500).

With funding support from the Government of South Australia, the City of Adelaide invites Melbourne Street traders or property owners to get involved in the Melbourne Street Improvements Project to enhance street amenity and help create a pleasant atmosphere.

The City of Adelaide will fund this project for eligible businesses or property owners to install festoon type festive lighting to light up your ground floor outdoor dining area and the footpath in the vicinity of your business or property.


Property owners of night-time economy businesses such as restaurants and bars along Melbourne Street, North Adelaide are encouraged to apply for funding to install decorative festoon type lighting on the underside of their verandas, balconies or other hard structure type canopies over outdoor dining permitted zones to help improve the overall street amenity to attract visitors and customers.

Grants to a maximum of $7,500 are available, with the applicants not required to contribute to the total costs of the proposed improvements. 

Noting, in exceptional circumstances, if your street frontage is considerably greater than the average, the City of Adelaide may consider approval to a higher value.

These improvements will contribute to Council’s Mainstreet Revitalisation program.

Applicants are welcome to discuss their improvement ideas by contacting the Project Manager Ciarán Carty via [email protected].

Please ensure you have read the information provided on this page before proceeding with your application.

Registrations are open until Sunday 10 November 2024.

Register now

Under-veranda festoon lighting will help:

  • Improve the street atmosphere around night-time economy businesses, such as restaurants, bars and cafés to assist in them being better lit and attract more attention;
  • Create a place with improved ambiance and atmosphere that feels more open and vibrant for the community to enjoy; and
  • Improve security and safety after hours.

  • Businesses and commercial property owners of premises located at street level along Melbourne Street with suitable structures over the footpath and Outdoor Dining Permits or plans to obtain an Outdoor Dining Permit, are eligible to register their interest.
  • Properties owned and managed by the City of Adelaide, or a State or Federal Government agency are not eligible for funding.
  • Only one assessment application per business or commercial property owner will be accepted.
  • Registrations are now open.

    Once an application has been submitted, applicants will receive an application receipt number via their nominated email address.

    City of Adelaide will treat all information provided by applicants sensitively. Any information contained in, or relating to, an application, including information identified by an applicant as confidential, may be disclosed by City of Adelaide:

    • to its employees, advisers or third-parties in order to assess, process and/or audit an application;
    • where information is authorised or permitted by law to be disclosed; and/or
    • where the information is already in the public domain.

    Register now

    Registrations are open until Sunday 10 November 2024.

    The City of Adelaide will fund 100 per cent of the project cost up to $7,500 (ex. GST) per average business frontage (Note: exceptions to that limit may be considered in exceptional circumstances. For instance, if an individual property has an unusually large frontage). 

    There will be no co-contribution by Traders or property owners required (unless the Trader of property owner fails to complete the installation of the lighting within the funding received from the Council).

    The funding will cover:

    • City of Adelaide City Works Permit fees.
    • Installation of LED bulbed festoon lighting to the underside of a suitable structure over outdoor dining area.
    • Electrical connection to the property’s power supply, subject to suitable power access.
    • Electrical works within business hours from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm

    The funding does not cover:

    • Any additional costs to install power (e.g. significant upgrades to distribution boards, building alteration works)
    • Any additional cost for works to be completed out of indicated business hours
    • Ongoing running cost for the lights, such as maintenance or electricity costs. The running cost is estimated to be low, however the Trader or property owner should obtain their own estimate in this regard.
    • Reimbursement for the applicant’s overhead costs for the time and effort to manage the process.

    Unless otherwise approved in writing, to ensure coordination and consistency along the street, the festoon lighting must conform to the following technical parameters:

    • Colour temperature – Warm White (2700 to 3000 kelvin);
    • LED bulbs with clear globes
    • Globe shape and size to be S14 45mm teardrop shape
    • Light bulb spacing to be in the range of 500mm to 600mm centres;
    • Standard festoon (hanging pendant not permitted)
    • Installed tight to underside of veranda/structure (draped arrangement not permitted)
    • Fixings to be as per the manufacturer’s recommendations
    • Cabling and light sockets to be black in colour.
    • Layout and arrangement of bulb strings to be approved by City of Adelaide prior to installation;
    • Strobing lights or lights that change colour are not permitted;
    • Lights to be dimmable and have an in-line dimmer installed. To maximise the lifespan of the globes and reduce the maintenance burden of replacing blown globes for the owner, it is recommended that the dimmer be set to 85%.
    • A daylight sensor must be used to turn the lights on automatically from dusk until dawn;
    • The lighting used will need to be water and dust proof to a rating of IP65;
    • The lighting is not permitted to cast focused light upwards;
    • The connection between the lighting solution and power outlet is not permitted to be accessible by patrons or other non-authorised personnel

    Registrations are open until Sunday 10 November 2024. 

    To complete your registration form we require the following details:

      • your business name and contact details;
      • confirmation and proof that you have the building owner’s’ permission for installation;
      • confirmation that your property has or intends to apply for an Outdoor Dining Permit;
      • confirmation that your property has a structure overhanging the adjacent footpath that is suitable for attaching festoon lighting equipment; and
      • copies of quotes received for the works and advice on which quote would be selected. (It is recommended that 3 quotes be obtained.
      • Detailed description of proposed works.
      • Registrants’ applications will be assessed for eligibility, suitability and reasonableness of costs by the City of Adelaide who will review and approve or reject applications at its sole discretion.
    • If successful, the property owners will be expected to enter into a legal agreement with the City of Adelaide prior to any lighting installation works. A copy of the template agreement can be provided to the applicants if requested.
    • If your application is successful, you must arrange for the installation of the works, and have it carried out within 6 months of your application being approved and grant agreement being executed by both parties.
    • You must use a registered electrical contractor to undertake the works. A list of suggested contractors is provided below. The Council accepts no liability for the acts or omissions of the contractor.
    • City of Adelaide will reimburse the property owner for the reasonable and agreed costs following:
      • Completion of the works:
      • Inspection of the works by a City of Adelaide representative; and
      • Provision to City of Adelaide of the following;
        • Executed copy of formal Agreement between the City of Adelaide and the property owner pertaining to the works; and
        • Copy of Electrical Certificate of Compliance for the works.

    Further Information

    For further information about the project, please contact Project Manager Ciarán Carty:

    Suggested contractors

    The following electrical contractors are, to the best of the Council’s knowledge, familiar with installing festoon lighting in the public domain. Other electrical contractors are available:

    Apollo Lighting Service – Ph: 8241 7770 | W:

    Deadshort Electrical – Ph: 8410 0887 | W:

    Electric Results – Ph: 8241 2400 | W:

    Gridlock Electrical – Ph: 8352 6703 | W: