Cycling in the city

Cycling is a great way to get around in Adelaide, either as a daily commute, or just getting from A to B.

With wide streets and beautiful Park Lands, the city is a great place to explore by bike. Turn down side-streets to discover hidden gems, enjoy the green spaces along the River Torrens and through the Park Lands Trail, and explore our city’s art and heritage.

So you’ve decided to get your bike out of the shed and ride to the city. Congratulations. But before you set off, make sure you do the following:

  • Get your bike serviced. Check the brakes and tyres, grease the chain and make sure the seat and handlebars are at the right height and secure. You’ll want your commute to be as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Cycle Instead is an interactive journey planner for your bike trip. It shows the bike network across metropolitan Adelaide so you can quickly choose the most direct and comfortable route for your journey, using secondary roads, bike lanes, shared paths, greenways and bicycle boulevards. 

View our cycling networks map

You’ve invested in a bike and it is worth investing in a good lock, to minimise the risk of theft. 

  • Use a high-quality lock such as a D-lock.
  • Have your details engraved on your bike or use a UV pen. SA Police often offer this service at community events.
  • If you want to secure your bike undercover, consider utilising the paid bike lockers at UPark car parks across the city. They include a storage locker for your gear. Alternatively, they offer free bike parking on a first-come basis. You’ll need to bring your own lock. Find out more on the UPark website.
  • You can also secure your bike on the street. You’ll find cycle racks across the city for short-term use with your own lock. You can also secure your bike to poles or fences (if they are public property), but be careful not to obstruct traffic or damage the structure.

The City of Adelaide has installed pump and repair stations across the city, so you can fix a flat and be back on your bike in no time. The stations have a range of tools including bike pump, Allen key, screwdriver, chain breaker, wrench and shift spanner.

Pump station location:

  • City of Adelaide Customer Centre, 25 Pirie Street.

Repair and Pump station locations:

  • Kurranga BMX Tracks, near the corner of Greenhill and Unley Road.
  • Corner of Carrington Street and Regent Street North, near the start of the Frome Bikeway.

If your workplace doesn’t have facilities to store your bike and to freshen up after your ride, don’t worry, there are several end of trip facilities available throughout the city. Facilities and charges vary, so shop around.

  • Myer Centre Car Park, Level 2
  • U City, 43 Franklin Street, Adelaide
  • University of Adelaide, North Terrace (for student and staff use only)

Adelaide is fortunate to have a very active (pun intended) cycling community that welcomes newcomers.

The Adelaide Community Bike Workshop is a non-profit organisation that can help you get your bike rolling smoothly or put you on a bike for the first time. Their workshop volunteers offer tool loan, pre-loved bike parts and a wealth of information.

Bike SA is another great non-profit organisation that promotes all types of cycling, hosting a number of rides and events throughout the year.

There are also a number of annual cycling community events held in Adelaide throughout the year you can get involved with:

  • Cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as other road users. If you’re new to road cycling, brush up on your road rules to ensure you’re keeping yourself and others safe. Here is a great guide to cycling and the law.
  • While there are no rules on what to wear when you ride a bike, we suggest light and breathable fabrics to ensure a comfortable ride. White or bright colours will also make sure you can be seen by other road users. If you’re riding at dusk or night time, please make sure you have working lights on your bike, a reflective vest may help you to be seen as well.

Discover a trail

Get on your bike and enjoy a day out in the city on one of our cycling trails! From the Park Lands to art, there's something for everyone to explore. 

Suggest new bike parking spaces

If you’ve identified a location in the city that would benefit from more cycle parking hoops, let us know! This will help us with our future infrastructure planning.

Suggest a location