Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1991 ("The Act") serves to promote openness and transparency in governance and accountability of government agencies, including Councils.

To achieve these objectives, it confers on members of the public a legally enforcable right to be given access to documents. The Act sets out the legislative requirements for how applications received from the public, for access to information held by the Council, are to be dealt with.

The City of Adelaide has developed a Public Transparency Policy that has been endorsed by Council and can be accessed here

Requesting information

Freedom of Information (FOI) applications should be submitted using the correct form. Please make sure your request is as specific as possible, so the correct documents can be identified. Include dates/date ranges where known. 

Forms are also available from the Council's Customer Centre.

An application fee of $42 (updated July 2023) must accompany the application. Applications will be dealt with as soon as practicable once received, or within 30 days. Fees and charges will be waived for persons demonstrating financial hardship.

Lodging your FOI application

You can lodge your Freedom of Information requests via post, email or in person:

Freedom of Information Officer
City of Adelaide
GPO Box 2252
Adelaide SA 5001

25 Pirie Street, Adelaide

Remember: a fee of $42 is due at the time of lodgement. 

Information statement

In accordance with Part 2 of the Act, a Council must, at intervals of not more than 12 months, cause an up-to-date information statement to be published in a manner prescribed by regulation. A copy of the current information statement can be obtained below.

Freedom of Information – 8 August 2022

On 8 August 2022 the Chief Executive Officer issued a media statement in relation to a Freedom of Information application that sought the release of certain documents concerning the Eighty Eight O’Connell project. The outcome of the FOI application was for the requested documents to be released.

View the related documents:

  1. Executed Land Facilitation Agreement 88 O’Connell Pty Ltd dated 16 December 2020
  2. Extract – Minutes of Special Meeting of Council dated 8 December 2020
  3. Draft Correspondence from Jones Lang LeSalle (SA) Pty Ltd (JLL) dated 17 September 2020

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